Professional summary

Research Interests

I am an Air Pollution Scientist turned into a land-atmospheric scientist recently with the position at the UKCEH.   Though I am trained as a global and regional air pollution modeller, my research at the UKCEH focusses on different aspects of earth science. 

Current projects

SWIFT - Science for Weather Information and Technology for Africa: Using satellite data to develop nowcasting tools using Land Surface Temperature Anomaly (MSG – SEVIRI) and precipitation data (Global Precipitation Monitoring Network) for extreme weather events in West and East Africa. Using ensemble model simulations to understand the role of land surface in formation of extreme events over Africa. 

FREEDOM-BCCR - Forecasting Risk of Environmental Exacerbation of Dissolved Organic Matter - Building climate Change Resilience: Generating UKCP18 based climate change projection scenario data for 100 years (1980-2080) using Hydro-JULES for catchment and lake/reservoir models to explore the potential impact of climate change in influencing seasonal variation in dissolved organic matter (DOM) in intensively monitored drinking water reservoirs and their catchments.  

UKCP18 - UK Climate Projections: Generating UKCP18 based climate change projection scenario data using Hydro-JULES for impact modellers - ecosystem, air pollution and socio-economic modellers.   These data will be generated for UK in 1km resolution for the period 1980-2080 for 4 RCP scenarios and 15 ensemble members.  

PORCELAIN - PORtrayal of ChinesE Land-Atmosphere Interactions: Developing diagnostic tools for the study of Probability of occurrences of hot extremes and the predictability of such events in East Asia.

VERA - Vegetation Effects on Rainfall in West Africa: Studying the impact of Land Use changes in Climate over Africa.